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  • Bat Control Issues in your Home or Commercial Building

    Humane Removal - Return Prevention - Remediation.

Wisconsin's Leading Bat Control Specilists

Bats are Good



But They Don't Belong Here


920 722-8485


Determine if there is a Problem

We will check the attic for any signs of bats dwelling on in your house. We will check the entire exterior including getting on the roof (absolutely necessary) to do a thorough inspection and determine the extent of the problem. Being that we are a full service construction company this inspection serves as an added bonus to be alerted of any issues that may be going on that you may be unaware of because of the height or location of the areas you may not be able to gain access to.

Make Sure They Can't Come Back

Safe and methods approved by the Wisconsin department of natural resources. Bats can enter a very small opening, typically the size of a finger, so as you can imagine there may be many places that a bat could enter through the exterior of your home. We have done exclusion on homes that were in the process of being built to as old a 200 years. We have worked on pretty much every sort of structure from residential to commercial. The best way to have the bats leave your home is exclusion, this is because the bats will typically use the same entrances every time they leave your house to feed on those pesky mosquitos that we all dislike. Our exclusion methods basically act like a one way door to let them leave to go eat, once they are done with there nightly foraging they return but cannot get back in. Because they like living where there are (rent free) they will look for an auxiliary way in, because this is the case we make sure all other potential openings are sealed up. when done we put a 5 year guarantee on our work.

They Left a Mess... We clean it up.

If you have had bats living in your attic or exterior soffits for a while, there may be a significant build up of their droppings consisting of guano and urine. If these accumulate for a long time it can be a health hazard. if these spores get airborne it can cause respiratory issues. In many cases their may be a distinctive (unpleasant) smell , especially when is gets warm this can be overpowering. Once the Bats have safely been excluded then the attic can be cleaned out. typically all contaminated insulation is removed, area is covered with a encapsulating sealant to get ri of odors. Depending on how bad the infestation is will determine how significant the clean up would be.

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